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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Home Remedies For Hair Loss And Thinning

Some amount of hair loss is normal every day. However, excessive hair loss or unusual hair thinning can be a symptom of a disease, and needs prompt professional medical diagnosis. For many, the loss is permanent. But some causes of hair loss in women are treatable. Seeing your physician can help you get to the root of the problem. Thinning hair and hair loss. At Women to Women, we understand that a womans head of hair is her crowning glory and losing too much hair can be a serious and frightening blow to her self-esteem.

The most common cause of hair loss is low thyroid function, which is common among menopausal women. Other causes include, but are not limited to: changes in hormone levels (decrease or increase), increased testosterone, increased stress (physical or emotional), various medications, scalp/dermatological issues and heredity. Many women experience more dramatic, localized hair thinning, even a noticeable bald spot. This condition is called male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia (AGA), and it is the most common form of hair loss in both men and women. It almost always occurs on the top and sides of the head and above the forehead, and may also involve excessive hair growth on the face and other areas on the body, though the range of severity is wide.

If your hair loss is mild to moderate, the most important thing to do is weigh the immediate stressors in your life against how much support youre giving your body. Start with an honest inventory of your healthy and not-so-healthy habits. Then take some steps toward shifting the balance to the support side. Heres what we recommend:

1. There are two types of herbal supplements for treating hair loss or thinning: The ones made of phytoestrogenic herbs and the ones made of non-estrogenic herbs. Phytoestrogen herbs (like Black Cohosh) are made of phyto-estrogens which are similar to estrogens. So, they can increase low estrogen levels, because they replace some of the missing estrogen hormones. But, they aren't the best solution because your body will become less responsive to produce estrogen on its own. This causes a further decrease of body-own hormone levels.

2. Another tip is after washing your hair, dry it in whatever manner you normally do. Then turn your head upside down, give your head a vigorous shake, and once back in a standing position, either "place" your hair using your fingers, rather than a brush or comb. You can also use a hair pick to style your hair. The upside down - shaking - also gives a great deal of fullness to otherwise flat looking thin hair. You'd be amazed at how creative you can be with your fingers without pulling at the root of the hair.

3. Take a rich multivitamin like the one we offer in our Personal Program that includes hair-healthy vitamins such as B, C, D and E. Other important nutrients are calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, and iron. A fish oil supplement containing vitamin D and essential fatty acids will help boost immunity and soothe inflammation. This is one of the best hair loss treatment.

4. Don't use combs, but soft brushes and try to avoid things like hair spray. Using a "good" mousse (I use Clairol Condition) or soft gel after washing can give your hair additional body without harming the hair.

5. If you are under severe psychological stress, your hair loss could be a result and should improve a few months after the stress is relieved. Finding healthy ways to express your feelings can go a long way toward reducing stress, as can gentle meditative exercises and practices.

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